At-Home Workouts: B’s Top 4

If you're not yet aware, I'm a huge advocate for at-home workouts. This started back in my teen years, when I was obese and my doctor told my mom that this body of mine needed to start moving. At 13 years old, taking me to a gym wasn't even a thought. Plus, my self-esteem was … Continue reading At-Home Workouts: B’s Top 4


30 years of life. Yeah, 30 is still young. But it certainly isn't "that" young. Especially when I think of how I've gotten to exactly where I am right now. Sitting in my living room with the love of my life. Watching the last preseason Pens game. Two "happy birthday" balloons and a Hogwarts balloon … Continue reading 30.

The Confidence Journey

Are you confident? If you're anything like me, you may sometimes struggle with saying "yes." But here's the thing...I am confident. It's not a perfected characteristic, but rather, something to always work towards. There's so much more that goes into confidence outside of just looking in the mirror and thinking, "Daaaaaayummm, girl." So many of … Continue reading The Confidence Journey

On Stopping and Starting

How many times have you begun something, only to let it slip away? How many ideas have you had for projects, only to prevent yourself from actually beginning? Feelings of self-doubt creep up on us from every angle, and I've spent a long time allowing those little monsters to hold me back. Fear has prevented … Continue reading On Stopping and Starting